
Sunday, January 10, 2010


لست من الحماقة لأقول إنني أحببتك من النظرة الأولى
يمكنني أن أقول إنني أحببتك، ما قبل النظرة الأولى
كأن فيك شيء ما أعرفه
شيء ما يشدني إلى ملامحك المحببة إلي مسبقاً
وكأنني أحببت يوماً رجلاً يشبهك
أو كأنني كنت مستعدة منذ الأزل لأحب رجلاُ يشبهك تماماً

عن: أحلام مستغماني

Sunday, January 3, 2010

We are always happy with the "NEW"

It's like a magic word, we always feel the glee, if I choose the right word, for everything new, a new house, new car , new job, new family member or a new relationship...etc.

A new year came, I welcome it wondering what will it bring to me!! I honestly hated 2009, I hated the number, the events, and the weather. by the end of the year, everything changed, changes in my life, that got me life back, I'm feeling the air I'm breathing, all what I wish that this coming year not take that wonderful feeling away.

2009 , 2010 or 2020,,, time goes by so fast , sometimes we get shocked with how long it's been, how the train of time is away faster than us. wish you all the best for all times