
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Arabic , ,,, English ,,, Arabic/English

Hello , everybody
I need your opinion about something , my blog!!. Sometimes I'd like to write in English , sometimes in Arabic, and I feel like the blog will be a mess and complicated for me and readers. Should I separate them or not, I want your vote:

(A) Separate Blogs

(B) One Blog

I already have one vote for separate blogs, what do you think?


Meme said...

i'll tell you something..for me i get little distracted if someone write in seperate blogs that's why i prefre if you write in one place...take me as an example ..i sometimes write in arabic and sometimes in english depends on my friends have never complianed and i am happy! lol
of course that's just my opinion
good luck

may said...

والله خليه وحدة ومنوعة ومتغيرهاش انت مش اول وحدة تكتب عربى وانجليزى فى نفس المدونة ...التنوع يخلق التميز

هذا رائى

وخيتك مى

Anglo-Libyan said...

(B) One Blog :o)

A. Alkasah said...

Hey Meme and May ,, You are too here.

Ok How are you Heba.?

I vote for one blog,, as meme said..No one will complain.

Ba bye

Nasimlibya `√ said...



;) one blog

good luck sweet heba

Unknown said...

One Blog

Switchfoot -"This is Home" - THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA

Gigi said...

salam alikom
I vote for one blog، as meme said.No one will complain.
go on
astwdeoke allah

Super-Ego said...

I vote for close your Blog (my opinion)... and if u do't (allah galeb)... ok one Blog.

Best regardS

on the edge said...

One is good . It keeps people like me guessing , lol !

Heba said...

Meme, may, Anglo-Libyan, Nasimlibya,
MusicLover, Gigi and 'on the edge'.

Thank you for your vote and support.

Doctor X , I'm fine alhamdulellah , thank you for asking.

MotherLand, I know it's hard for you that I will not close my blog, so sorry , you have to survive !!

weekend is close , wish you good

zuhare Tabet said...

One Blog

Rose Bud said...

I just skip over the Arabic posts thatI can't read but find the English ones intresting. So I would say keep one blog.