
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Thousand Splendid Suns ,, Afghanistan

"A Thousand Splendid Suns is a breathtaking story set against the volatile events of Afghanistan’s last thirty years—from the Soviet invasion to the reign of the Taliban to the post-Taliban rebuilding."

A novel by the Afghani-born novelist Khaled Hosseini, most probably his name would be recognized by "The Kite Runner" movie, well I think " A Thousand Slendid Suns" is far more ,,, aah what can I say !! You have to read it to get what I feel about it.

The glimpse of the history of Afghanistan which Khaled provided in his novel, through the dramatic events and calamities that happened to, took place arround, the complex characters, Mariam and Laila. the way Khaled described the details of evens, the details of the streets and buildings, made me feel everything like I see, even the scene of the house of the teenage Laila expulsion , I didn't have to imagined what she felt, I saw it in front of my eyes, like watching a movie scene, not reading it.

Another thing that this novel made me feel it, is how much suffering the Afghani women went through.

I still have less than hundred pages to finish the novel but I couldn't wait till then to write about it.

1 comment:

De said...

رواية جميلة جداً.. بالرغم من أنني قرأتها في ظروف سيئة في بداية الحرب، ولكنها من وجهة نظري أجمل بكثير من رواية خالد الحسيني الأولى
The kite runner
هذه الرواية محبوكة بشكل جميل جداً، ومتقنة ومقنعة .. كمية التفاصيل التي تحتويها رهيبة، ولكنها جميلة وغير مملة على الإطلاق.. كثيراً ما كانت الأحداث مؤلمة.. والوصف الدقيق يزيد واقعية الرواية
باختصار أنصح جداً بها:)